Category Archives: Nature

New gallery: Winter Landscapes from Helsinki 2011-2012

Kallahdenniemi, Helsinki, Finland

Kallahdenniemi, Helsinki / Link to Winter Landscapes from Helsinki 2011-2012 gallery

Winter arrived quite late, I took my first winter landscape photos in Helsinki only on 8.1.2012. But although the winter was short, it was quite photogenic 🙂 You can see the my best winter photos from Helsinki in this Winter Landscapes from Helsinki 2011-2012 gallery.

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New gallery: Enchanting Ice – Ice Macros

Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland

Link to Ice Macro gallery

A new Enchanting Ice gallery contains ice macros that I have photographed in Helsinki during last 5 weeks.

Also posted in Landscape, Macro Tagged , , , , |

New gallery: East Finland – Summer Landscapes

Ukko-Koli, Lieksa, Finland

Link to East Finand – Summer Landscape Gallery / Ukko-Koli, Lieksa, Finland

In August 2011 I visited Koli. I stayed in Koli and surrounding area about one week. During three mornings I went to photograph sunrise at the top of Koli. That meant that wake up was before 4 am….

I visited also Pisa nature protection area (Juankoski), Palvinsuo National Park (Lieksa / Ilomantsi) and Kolvananuuro Nature Reserve (Joensuu). On my way back I stopped in Punkaharju.

Also posted in Landscape Tagged , , , , , , , , |

New website for landscape photos: Maiseman Lumo

Maiseman Lumo: Maisemakuvia Suomesta ja maailmalta.

I have launched a new website for my landscape photos: Maiseman Lumo (this new site is in Finnish). I will post only landscape photos and landscape photography related articles to Maiseman Lumo. I have there also information about my exhibitions and landscape photography courses.

Also posted in Cityscape, Landscape Tagged , , |

Lookin’ good, Finland! exhibition by Kreative Generation

Jäämaailma, Lauttasaari, Helsinki

Jäämaailma, Lauttasaari, Helsinki

Kreative Generation arranges art exhibition next September in Suvilahti. The exhibition works are partially selected based on facebook voting. So if you like my photos that I have submitted to Kreative Generation (they are visible in this blog post), please vote for them! Unfortunately it is not possible to give direct link to my photos in the facebook voting gallery, but my photos are numbers 50, 51, and 52 (out of 147). Note: before you can vote, you must like Kreative Generation’s facebook page.

Kansan teatteri

Kansan teatteri, Eduskuntatalo, Helsinki

Vote is on until 30.6. The selected photos will be displayed in Kattilahalli, Suvilahti on 14.-20.09. Here is the invitation to the Lookin’ good, Finland! event in September.

Talven aikaa Espalla, Helsinki

Talven aikaa Espalla, Helsinki

Also posted in Art prints, Cityscape, Exhibition, Landscape Tagged , , , , |

Advance notice: My landscape photography course in Kameraseura next October

Vanhankaupunginlahti, Helsinki

Vanhankaupunginlahti, Helsinki

Kameraseura will arrange again a landscape photography course next autumn (14.-16.10.). The main emphasis of my course will be on the art of landscape photography (choosing location, right time, composition, use of light, camera settings, what filters to use,…). But I will also go through the landscape photographer’s equipment (camera, lenses, tripod,..).

The course structure will be similar as in my previous course (my recap from the previous course): On Friday evening we will go through the basics of landscape photography and look 1-2 landscape images from the course participants. On Saturday we will have field trip to some photogenic location. And on Sunday afternoon we will review Saturday’s images and continue the theory.

The destination of Saturday’s photography trip will be decided on Friday based on the weather forecast, and how good autumn colors we have.

You can book the course in Kameraseura website. This course (and other Kameraseura autumn courses) will become visible after summer. If you send me email, I will notify you when my course becomes available in Kameraseura web shop (my previous course was sold out about one month in advance).

UPDATE: The sale of Kameraseura autumn courses starts on 17.8.

Also posted in Camera, Filter, Landscape, Landscape photography course, Lens, Photography course, Photography equipment, Tripod Tagged , , , , |

A short recap of my landscape photography course

Landscape photography course participants photograping pack ice

Landscape photography course participants photograping pack ice

Four weeks ago I was teaching in the landscape photography course in Kameraseura. The course was arranged in three parts: 3 hours of theory on Friday evening in Kameraseura premises, 5+ hour photography trip on Saturday, and 6 hours of theory in Kameraseura on Sunday.

I started the course on Friday evening with the presentation about landscape photography equipment (cameras, lenses, tripods and other accessories) and the art of landscape photography (i.e. planning, composition, how to use light, effect of different weather conditions,…). I had also asked course participants to bring two photos with them: one successful landscape photo, and one photo that had failed although the situation was fantastic. I provided feedback what worked and what could have be improved in those photos in my opinion.

Pack ice in Suomenlinna

Pack ice in Suomenlinna

On Saturday we made five hour photography trip to Suomenlinna with the target to apply the lessons from Friday. We were extremely lucky with the weather, that Saturday was definitely one of the best landscape photography days during this spring: There was pack ice on the shores and nice clouds in the sky during afternoon. At sunset time we had nice colourful sunset and interesting ice formations on the rocks, they were literally glazed with ice 🙂

45 minutes before sunset in Suomenlinna

45 minutes before sunset in Suomenlinna

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Also posted in Art of landscape photography, Landscape, Landscape photography course, Photography course, Seascape Tagged , , , , , , |

New gallery: Spring Ice II

Pack ice in Lauttasaari, Helsinki

Link to Spring Ice Gallery II / Pack ice in Lauttasaari, Helsinki

The last two weeks have been rather photogenic here in Helsinki. The sea ice has melted and there has been lots of interesting subjects to photograph: icicles, packed ice and drift ice 🙂

Suomenlinna, Helsinki

Sunset in Suomenlinna, Helsinki

In this gallery you can see the photos that I have taken on six occasions during last two weeks: I made three trips to Suomenlinna and three trips to the southern tip of Lauttasaari. One Suomenlinna trip was part of my landscape photography course in Kameraseura. I will write more about my course in few days.

Also posted in Landscape, Seascape Tagged , , , , , , |

Icy Helsinki Cityscapes

Helsinki from Suomenlinna

Helsinki from Suomenlinna after sunset

Today was maybe the last day to photograph sunny and icy seascapes in Helsinki this spring. So I did spend several hours today in Suomenlinna photographing the floating sea ice and icicles 🙂 You will see those photos later, but here are four cityscapes that I captured on my way back to Helsinki from Suomenlinna.

Hanasaari power plant from Suomenlinna ferry

Hanasaari power plant from Suomenlinna ferry

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Also posted in Cityscape, Landscape, Seascape Tagged , , , , , |

Helsinki Panorama

Helsinki Panorama

View from Sisä-Hattu towards Ruoholahti, Länsisatama, Suomenlinna and Pihlajasaari

I photographed this panorama last tuesday (22.3.) after sunset from Sisä-Hattu (small island at the southern tip of Lauttasaari). The full size of panorama is 42000 x 3400 pixels, here you can see 8000 pixels wide version.

Also posted in Cityscape, Landscape, Seascape Tagged , , , , , , |